Um video-graffiti inspirado em JS (Letter to my children / Graffiti by Banksy)

Publicado no Youtube em 7 de março de 2014, o video Letter to my children, produzido pelo Cine Povero, traz-nos excertos do poema “Carta a Meus filhos sobre os fuzilamentos de Goya” (na tradução de Richard Zenith) entrelaçados com os graffiti de Banksy sobre um fundo de música eletrônica. Trabalho inovador excepcional, que bem comprova a atualidade de Sena e a potencialidade de sua obra em aceitar releituras criativas que se valem dos mais recentes recursos audiovisuais.


Posted on Youtube on March 7, 2014, the video “Letter to My Children”, produced by Cine Povero, brings us excerpts from the poem “Carta a meus filhos sobre os fuzilamentos de Goya” (on the translation of Richard Zenith) intertwined with Banksy graffiti over a background electronic music. Outstanding innovative work that well proves the actuality of Sena and the potentiality of his work in accepting creative reinterpretations that make use of the latest audiovisual resources. 


Jorge de Sena (1919-1978) was a Portuguese poet, novelist and professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Banksy (born in 1974) is a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, and painter. He is often considered as the most famous graffiti practitioner in the world.
Music by Diagram of Suburban Chaos (pseudonym of William Collin Snavely, a composer of electronic music). Around seventy percent of the audio was made of his OST for “Black day to freedom” by Rob Chiu.